Friday, April 22, 2005

During the Seminar at CCRI  Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 03, 2005

This Is Me Reaaly Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 12, 2005

wHo aM I

It is very difficult for me to guess that who am I.
My Friends say about me,
1. You are the biggest stupid of the world.
(Naeem, Friend, Class fellow)
2. Shahzad has dual contrast nature personality (Having two contrast faces).
(Yaseen, X-Roomate, Freind)
3. Shahzad is a very khabti (Urdu word) guy.
(Hamid Manzoor, X-Roomate, Class fellow, Friend)
4. I forecast that Shahzad will do some thing graet in the world of Science.
(Kamran, Roomate, Class fellow, Friend)
5. Shahzad has wonderful logical understanding of things.
6. You are very much innocent guy.
(Robina, Class fellow)
7. shazad has such a mind that a few men have. Its meaning are very simple. He is mad.
(Rizwan Shafiq Paracha, Friend, Classfellow)
8. Some times such people meet in life that moments (very short), passed in company with them are never to be forgetable. I think Shahzad is among those people.
(Rizwan Shafiq Paracha, Friend, Classfellow)